Secure Kubernetes configuration at rest

If you are getting started with Kubernetes. There is one thing that will eventually happen at some point:

How can I run all my things at scale securely? 🤔

Some might say:

Bruh! Kubernetes is secure by design, what are you talking about?!

Just use a secret resource!

Which is actually correct! You can simply do something like this :

~$ kubectl create secret generic mysecret --from-literal=key=sensitive_value

With sufficient permissions, you should be able to access the resource and read deciphered values.

~$ kubectl get secret mysecret -o json | jq -r .data.key | base64 --decode

However! This doesn’t mean that the value has actually been safely stored. Kubernetes store most of the things within the etcd cluster it works with such as the Secret resources. With direct access onto it, we can actually check if the data has been ciphered or not:

~$ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /registry/secrets/default/mysecret | jq -r .data.key | base64 --decode

😱 the sensitive value is stored in plaintext!

No panic, there is an app a Kubernetes resource for that!

Indeed, in order to encrypt it, there is a Kubernetes resource called EncryptionConfig. If you are not familiar with it I would strongly recommend to have a look into it. It allows you to choose how you want to encrypt things on your cluster.

It is very flexible and easy to configure. Let’s start with using a salt that we will manage and rotate ourselves. If you prefer, have a look onto the documentation and use the other type of providers such as the cloud provided KMS ones for instance.

~$ cat <<EOF > /etc/kubernetes/encryption-config.yaml
kind: EncryptionConfig
apiVersion: v1
  - resources:
      - secrets
      - secretbox:
            - name: key1
              secret: kwQZ1LLvqInL8oUBEMx7UL6jl+Yh07ry4fqMIKQn+KA= # A 32 byte random string base64 encoded
      - identity: {}

You then need to restart your kube-apiserver after adding the following flag:


Now that we have enabled encryption, we can trigger a rewrite of all the secrets that we already have stored to secure them (even though they are compromised 😅):

~$ kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces -o json | kubectl replace -f -

Having a second look at etcd, we should now be able to see that our values are safely stored.

~$ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /registry/secrets/default/mysecret

All set! \o/

But we are not done yet..

Infrastructure as Code

Launching stacks on Kubernetes is one thing, organising and running them at scale is something else.

The first thing that you are going to attempt (hopefully 🙏) is to treat your configuration as code. This means that you are going to store it somewhere/somehow, whether through a VCS or using your own mechanisms. Treating those configs as regular code empowers us with every practice we might already have in place for software development

I personally chose to store all my configuration files in git (which is apparently being argued if it is a VCS or not)

On top of it, we have CI pipelines in order to automatically push the changes onto the clusters after and during peer reviewing through merge requests.

If we look back at the example we did earlier, we could refactor it to something like this:

~$ git init
~$ cat <<EOF > secret.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  sensitive: dmFsdWU=
~$ git add secret.yml
~$ git commit -m"I have no idea what I'm doing \o/ :)"

As you would have figured out by now, we have an issue here. As safe as the secret resource will be once stored in the Kubernetes cluster, I’m basically storing it in plaintext within my git repository which is definitely not acceptable.

Let’s encrypt! (at rest)

Many solutions are available, here is a few example :

  • Use a GPG key to store them
  • Store them into protected CI environment variables and substitute them at runtime eg: GitLab CI
  • hiera-eyaml
  • ansible-vault
  • openssl with a public key
  • AWS or GCP KMS
  • and many others that are not on this non-exhaustive list!

But I did not find exactly what I was looking for in all those methods. I liked the way hiera-eyaml was conceived and working. I was also already using and a big fan of Hashicorp Vault. Therefore I figured there could be something to do with that. Hence s5!

The idea was to be able to encrypt only what’s necessary within any kind of file. Using Vault as the backend for managing the encryption key (aka. transit key) as well as the permissions around it.

I tried to keep the concept, implementation and usage as trivial as possible. This is what you can expect in terms of overhead to your commands when using it :

~$ s5 render secret.yml | kubectl apply -f -

And this is what your secret.yml would now look like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  sensitive: {{ s5:EtWnJ8ZyuwzRn8I3jw== }}

s5 will basically replace the following regexp as many times as it finds it within your file :

{{ s5:.* }}

🎉 you can now commit or share your file with whomever you want (or not 😅)!

What I like about it is that it makes it easier to review changes made to secrets as we do not cipher the entire file.

Plus, having Vault as the encryption backend makes it easier to handle who can get ciphering and deciphering accesses as well as cloud provider agnostic (on top of being open source 💚)


Most of the engineers working on K8S can easily have ciphering access, whilst we reserve the deciphering accesses for secure CI pipelines.

Ok cool, so how does this works and how do I get started ?

Most of the documentation (so far) can be found directly onto the project README. However here is a quick getting started guide!

First, you need to have an operational Vault endpoint!

You will also need permissions to manipulate the transit backend or already have cipher/decipher access onto a existent transit key otherwise.

😅 seriously, I don’t have time for that, I just want to try it out..

Well, having a Vault endpoint ready is only about 4 commands that you can run on your laptop on most common OSes! Full download page can be found here.

~$ wget -O /tmp/
~$ sudo unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin
~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vault
~$ vault server -dev

or if like me you are a bit preservative with your laptop and like to run everything in containers it’s a one liner:

~$ docker run -it --rm -p 8200:8200 vault:latest server -dev -dev-listen-address=

Let’s now start encrypting stuff!

Now that the Vault endpoint is ready, for ease of use you can configure some environment variables. You can find the values to fill in from the output of the vault server -dev command.

~$ export VAULT_ADDR=
~$ export VAULT_TOKEN=268c7fc2-ff96-c11d-150b-074b009f2865 # For this one refer to the root token

👆 You would have noticed that it listens over HTTP, this is because we are running a development environment locally. Please don’t run it like that in production, use HTTPS 🙏!

You can check that everything is running well by doing a vault status.

~$ vault status -format json
  "type": "shamir",
  "sealed": false,
  "t": 1,
  "n": 1,
  "progress": 0,
  "nonce": "",
  "version": "0.10.3",
  "cluster_name": "vault-cluster-a20328ee",
  "cluster_id": "c2fe413d-a8c1-7008-5358-c993d5ac65f4",
  "recovery_seal": false

Now that you are ready, you need to enable the transit backend:

~$ vault secrets enable transit
Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/

transit/ is the default path but you can feel free to mount it wherever you want.

It’s now time to get s5!

Luckily it’s exactly the same as for Vault:

# From
~$ wget -O /usr/local/bin/s5
~$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/s5

# Using docker with a cute alias 💚
~$ alias s5="docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) mvisonneau/s5:latest"

You should now be able to cipher and decipher text using the s5 cli:

~$ s5 cipher vault "foobar"
{{ s5:51HqRqey8aT5AKbOXF2QPI7YvA8xY2OvRb9QrfvYpQ== }}

~$ s5 decipher vault "{{ s5:51HqRqey8aT5AKbOXF2QPI7YvA8xY2OvRb9QrfvYpQ== }}"

What! I did not even specify any key ? 🤔

s5 uses default as transit key name if none is specified. On top of that, if a transit key do not exist, Vault will create it on the ciphering request as long as you have sufficient privileges on the endpoint. You can easily verify that:

~$ vault list -format json transit/keys

From now it is fairly straightforward and pretty much up to you, you can use the pattern anywhere in your files. As I mentioned earlier:

~$ s5 cipher vault foo
{{ s5:t9RZefdJ38sgosufeLRPNhUx7E0lC0tIiXp4iL676Q== }}
~$ s5 cipher vault $( echo bar | base64 )
{{ s5:bNL+8uNkkv52xaUeH2Ty4+3f7YJKgyOTVcgpvvf1BtKGep4m }}

~$ cat <<EOF > secret.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  {{ s5:t9RZefdJ38sgosufeLRPNhUx7E0lC0tIiXp4iL676Q== }}: {{ s5:bNL+8uNkkv52xaUeH2Ty4+3f7YJKgyOTVcgpvvf1BtKGep4m }}

~$ s5 render vault secret.yml | kubectl apply -f -
secret "mysecret" created

~$ kubectl get secret mysecret -o json | jq -r | base64 --decode

I want to know even more!

If I didn’t bore you enough already, here is some other advice on how you could make a use of it at scale. I am personally a big fan of helm which is as they said : “The package manager for Kubernetes” I would definitely recommend to have a look onto it if you are looking into ways of managing your Kubernetes stacks at scale.

This is actually how I use it myself, there is a special --in-place/-i flag that allows you to render the file in-place before letting helm consume it. This is something that is being done as part of a Makefile within a CI job.

~$ s5 render vault -i values.yml
~$ helm deploy release chart -f values.yml

Even further?!

I recently started to work onto an atom plugin in order to easily make changes onto values. This is still a work in progress in terms of features but it works! PR are always welcome!


I am done!

I hope this would have been constructive. If you have questions or concerns feel free to ask, comment or to open issues on the project.

I forgot to mention that s5 is also open-source under Apache 2.0 licensing so feel free to do whatever you want with it. It is also as you might have seen not bound to only Kubernetes uses cases. You can use it for any other purposes as it should support most kind of file formats.

And many thanks for getting to the end of it!

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